Uplifts mood with joy and Calms the mind., Helps to Cleanse the skin from impurities and keeps it clear.
Uplifts mood with joy and Calms the mind., Helps to Cleanse the skin from impurities and keeps it clear.
Satinance Orange Peel & geranium Clay Pack Make your skin tone light and serves as remover of acne marks, dark circles, zits etc..
Helps to lighten the tone of skin, applying it to dark circles can help to reduce the pigmentation in that area.
Satinance Neem & Aloe Vera Clay Pack Helps to cleanse & remove the impurities and dusts from the skin due to pollution.
It Detoxes by removing harmful substances, toxins and impurities deep withing the skin due to the atmospheric pollution
It gives smoothness and suppleness to the skin, Works gently to remove dead cells, blackheads and unclog pores.